Give them a reason to do it. Dont talk about the characteristics of your offer, but about what it will do for them make them happier, increase their productivity, develop their sales, etc. The example of Swello perfectly illustrates this advice since the tool promises to save time and simplify the development of your social media strategy swello copywriting example . A value proposition In addition to a reason to click, highlight your value proposition. What do your productsservices have that your competitors dont? What explains your prices? The objective is to remove potential objections from your prospects. .
Simple and unifying testimonials Have you ever read testimonials that seem like they were Albania WhatsApp Number written by a marketer? The sugarcoated words that tell you how wonderful, amazing and super perfect a service or product is? Honestly, we feel like hes playing the violin for us! Copywriting doesnt sugarcoat anything. It is factual and reproduces the facts as they happened. Writing testimonials should help overcome objections, while allowing prospects to envision themselves working with your company. Furthermore, copywriting never hesitates to enrich its speech with content generated directly by users. . The latter are often a sign of ease. In addition, it is not because information is followed by a ! » that it will better capture the attention of prospects. .
Arguments Just like exclamation points, superlatives impoverish your copy. They encourage ease, which is detrimental to your conversion goals. If you want to use phrases like best or easiest, you will have to prove why you are superior. For example, OnCrawl avoids selfdeclaring itself the best tool, but instead proclaims to work with the best companies while quoting them. This technique allows you to promote your customers, while indirectly highlighting your knowhow copywriting what is oncrawl Focus on the AIDA copywriting technique Very often used by professional copywriters, AIDA is a psychological formula whose aim is to help readers progress.